Just 3 Simple Steps to find your perfect cannabinoid product!
Register your product
Collect your sample and dispatch to our laboratory in the prepaid mailer provided
Access your personalized Endo·Decoded Report
Harnessing nature’s power to help you live and feel better
Rest assured that you’ll experience quality, safety and consistency
Uncover your unique endo-compatibility with a simple DNA swab in your own home!
Your purchase includes the Endo·Decoded report, Endo·Aligned CBD:TCH ratio and terpene profile formulation suggestions, Endo·Aligned product matching in your state, suggested dosage guidelines, and methods of administration.
Fast and secure upload of your existing raw DNA data
Get your endo·compatibility Endo·Decoded report in 30 seconds
U.S. based CLIA Certified Laboratory DNA endo·compatibility analysis
Secure and personalized account on MyDNA.live
Online portal access
Wellness plans
Endo·Aligned cannabinoid ratio and terpene profile suggestions
Endo·Aligned product matching in your state
Potential drug interactions
Administration suggestions
Automatic, lifetime updates as research become available